What is Worship?

What is Worship?

I grew up in a church which was home to two competing attitudes to Christian worship. One of them was expressed when people emerged from a service grumbling that they “didn’t get anything out of” the worship that morning. The other was manifest in a common response to...
Does Theology Bring you Closer to God?

Does Theology Bring you Closer to God?

 “If you do not listen to theology, that will not mean that you have no ideas about God. It will mean that you have a lot of wrong ones.” – C.S. Lewis “Any faith in Him, however small, is better than any belief about Him, however great.” – George...
What is Belief?

What is Belief?

“To hold something with the intellect is not to believe it. A person’s true belief is that by which they live.” – George MacDonald “Abram believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness” (Gen 15:6). In the Biblical languages, the word for belief equally...
The New Year and the Christian view of Time

The New Year and the Christian view of Time

Partly because we’ve had some time away from our usual schedules, and partly because we just threw away an old calendar and got a new one, in the New Year we often find ourselves thinking about our lives in “big picture” terms. Throughout the year we easily get caught...
What’s the Point of Apologetics?

What’s the Point of Apologetics?

“You can’t argue people into the Kingdom, it just doesn’t work that way. People just need to be shown God’s love, to have an encounter with the Holy Spirit’s power. Trying to prove God’s existence is a waste of time.” I think this statement captures the feeling that...