Thoughts on Everyday Theology

Articles exploring the implications of faith
Studying Theology at a Secular University

Studying Theology at a Secular University

Studying theology in a secular institution can be challenging to the faith of a young Christian. You are taught about a wide range of theological beliefs, some of which are outside the bounds of orthodox Christianity. Your teachers know much more about the Bible and...

How Should We Do Apologetics?

How Should We Do Apologetics?

‘Apologetics’ can be done in an arrogant and off-putting way, when it means we assume we are right and simply need to persuade other people of our rightness. Is there a better way to do it?

Reclaiming Christmas with our words

Reclaiming Christmas with our words

In the hubbub of Christmas, we can find it difficult to live in a way that demonstrates that we think it’s about more than just tinsel and turkey. Here, I offer a few ideas on how we might embody and reclaim the real Christmas spirit in the way we set our expectations...

What does it mean to be the Church?

What does it mean to be the Church?

This week, I saw the above image shared on social media summing up the sentiment of many recent articles drawing a dichotomy between “consumer” and “missional” church structures. The basic argument is against a passive, ‘me-centric’ view of church and towards more...

Out, and Out, and Out: The Expanding Kingdom of God

Out, and Out, and Out: The Expanding Kingdom of God

 “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea” (Habakkuk 2:14 ESV).  “So the word of the Lord continued to increase and prevail mightily” (Act 19:20 ESV). Surprise for a Scientist In the late 1920’s American...

Why is the Bible Authoritative?

Why is the Bible Authoritative?

The Bible is the primary authority for all Christians. But this causes a problem when we are asked “why do you trust what the Bible says?” Whatever reason we have must be a higher authority still, because we trust that when it tells us to trust the Bible. Neither can...

We are justified by faith—or so the story goes

We are justified by faith—or so the story goes

People who take the trouble to think of themselves as “Protestant”—as heirs of the Reformation—are likely to be of the view that the doctrine of justification by faith sits right at the heart of their religious identity. But what sort of thing is “justification by faith”? What does it look like? What does it do?

The Love of God and the Unforgivable Sin

The Love of God and the Unforgivable Sin

How do we rightly understand Jesus’ saying that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit cannot be forgiven? Especially, how do we understand it in the context of the rest of the Bible, which proclaims forgiveness of ALL our sins?

Psalm 23, Ikea manuals and the restoration of my soul.

Psalm 23, Ikea manuals and the restoration of my soul.

I often hear the Bible characterized as an instruction manual. But instruction manuals are mono-layered, have a single purpose and method. If I want real, life-giving, applicable, intimate advice, I don’t go to my IKEA flat-pack furniture manual, I go to a close...