by Pui Him Ip | Jan 27, 2016 | Church, Guest Post, Theology
It is difficult to be neutral about the idea of tradition. Either you are attracted to it, or you are repelled by it. This is especially true when it comes to the Christian faith. Many Christians are attracted by the idea of being part of tradition. The liturgy, the...
by Barney | Jan 16, 2016 | Learning Theology, Theology
Studying theology in a secular institution can be challenging to the faith of a young Christian. You are taught about a wide range of theological beliefs, some of which are outside the bounds of orthodox Christianity. Your teachers know much more about the Bible and...
by Barney | Jan 12, 2016 | Theology
Throughout my life I’ve been simultaneously fascinated and repulsed by apologetics. As a teenager I wanted to help people (including myself) who had sincere questions about the Christian faith. But many of the apologetics books I read seemed overly confident and...